Alexandre Jardin My Github Pages

How to improve your Symfony commands

When we develop a Symfony project, we inherit a lot of default commands. For example, if we create a new project starting from symfony/website-skeleton, we already have more than 80 commands. We can prefix all our custom commands with app: so that they don’t get mixed up, but the display remains somewhat overloaded.

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Distributing projects compiled into PHAR

We have seen, in a previous article, how it is possible to compile a Symfony project as a PHAR. If this manipulation is quite simple to set up, the distribution must be straightforward to avoid wasting time for the project maintainers.

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Compiling Symfony projects into PHAR

Most of the time, we use Composer to install tools developed in PHP, like any other library or framework. While this is the simplest method, it has a significant drawback in that you will automatically inherit the dependencies of these tools.

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My conference about a PHP developers toolbox

During the summer meetup organized with the AFUP Limoges, I gave a conference where I explained why it’s essential to use relevant tools to be efficient as a developer. Even if the talk was in French, all my slides are in English except the title, which is not the most important.

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Defending against Apache DoS attacks

A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is a cyber-attack in which someone tries to make a website or a service unavailable for its intended users/customers by flooding a server with a massive number of requests. It’s comparable to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, but that last one is run from many different sources. It makes the attacks much more difficult to counter.

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